Are you thinking about having an estate sale? If you have lived in the same house for a long time, you have probably collected a lot of personal belongings. Some items may have sentimental value, while others have more financial value. Regardless, the clutter could make it hard for you to sell the house, and you might be wondering how much you can get for all of these belongings. Instead of having to organize an estate sale on your own, you should consider taking a look at a few estate sales businesses that can help you. With so many options available, how can you choose the right estate sale company to help you?
1. Ask for Transparency About Costs, Fees, and Expenses
Even though you may want to get rid of the clutter as quickly as possible, it is critical for you to take your time and ask the right questions. In particular, you must aim for complete transparency when it comes to costs, fees, and expenses. There are some estate sale companies that will charge a flat fee to help you with the sale. This could make it easier for you to budget. Then, there are some estate sale companies that will charge a commission. Essentially, they will take a percentage of the revenue they generate for you, which provides them with an incentive to sell your belongings for as much money as possible.
Do not forget that there could be some additional fees as well. You may have to acquire permits, advertise the estate sale, and hire someone to remove any goods that are not sold. Make sure you understand exactly how much money you will have to pay the company before you sign a contract.
2. Expertise Comes First
When you are looking for the right estate sales companies to hire, you will probably have a budget in mind. Then, you may be tempted to go with the least expensive option. You may have heard that you get what you pay for, and that is certainly true when you are looking for an estate sale firm.
You also need to ask about their expertise and experience. Even though no company is going to know the exact value of every item, you should expect the estate sale company you hired to have a decent working knowledge of the value of the items in your home. A strong estate sale professional should also know the limits of their knowledge. If they indicate that they will have to call a colleague to help them value certain items, that is a good sign. That means that they are willing to go the extra mile to ensure you get exactly what your items are worth.
3. Consider Attending an Estate Sale First
If you are trying to decide between a few companies, consider attending their estate sales. They will probably be advertising some of their upcoming sales, so spend a few hours looking around. Is there a personal representative there to answer your questions? Does the estate sale look organized? Are there opportunities for you to take a look at their online estate sales? This is a great way for you to figure out if you want to partner with that estate sale company.
4. Read Reviews and Ratings
Before you purchase a product online, do you take a look at reviews and ratings? You need to do the same thing when you are looking for an estate sales professional. There are lots of people who will post reviews on third-party websites, so pay close attention to the details. If other people have had a good experience working with that company, you will probably have a good experience as well.
Any estate sale company that is serious about winning your business should provide you with a list of references as well. Consider reaching out to some of their prior clients to see what they have to say. This is also a great way for you to get some questions answered.
5. Get Everything In Writing
Finally, if you feel like you have found the right estate sale company to help you, get everything in writing. Do not hire anyone to help you with your estate sale without having a clear contract that spells out their possibilities, your expenses, and their potential compensation. You may even want to hire an attorney to review the contract before you sign on the dotted line.
Work With Yellow Bird if You Have an Estate Sale Coming Up
If you are looking for help with an estate sale, it would be our pleasure to help you. We are Yellow Bird Estate Sales, and we have more than 10 years of experience helping households of all sizes with their estate sales. Regardless of the reason why you are liquidating your personal property, it would be our pleasure to help you. We are properly licensed and insured, and we have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you, contact us today to speak to a member of our team!